+I am taking medication - is it safe to start a new diet and lifestyle plan.

We work safely with our clients to ensure that the changes don't have any contraindications ie. adverse impact on medication regimes. We refer to a drug nutrient interaction databases to ensure we comply with all safety standards when recommending supplements. If you wish, we can share your Health Plan with your healthcare team - they are usually delighted to see that a patient is taking control of their health in this way.

+Are the Health Plans a new diet?

Yes and No. Yes because there are dietary changes. No because the word “diet” implies a short-term solution. At Your Plate we believe in long-term holistic changes; nutrition, joyful movement, sleep & mindfulness - Lifestyle Medicine pillars. Combined with regular coaching sessions we will help you to tune into your body and discover a way of eating that is enjoyable and sustainable.

+How is Your Plate different to other health programs such as Slimming Clubs?

At Your Plate we utilise a personalised approach to health using a systems based approach to analysing your health and also cutting edge DNA testing so we can personalise your diet and lifestyle to your genetic profile. Traditional diets label foods as good, bad and encourage individuals to develop a poor relationship with food. They also tend to focus heavily on calorie counting which is often inaccurate and doesn't lead to good outcomes. Even though weight may be lost on these plans, it is due to better food awareness rather than the success of calorie counting as a concept. And while it’s true that you can manipulate macronutrients, restrict calories and shed excess weight temporarily, if you don’t get all the nutrients you need, your body will remain hungry. Using a combination of Nutrition education, Personalised Nutrition tools and Behaviour Change techniques we will tap into your strengths and resources to create long-term health transformation.

+Who are the Your Plate Health Plans for?

They are designed for busy people who want to empower themselves with nutrition knowledge and understand how to make positive changes that fit into their day to day life in a practical and enjoyable way.

It is for individuals who have been:

Yo-yo dieting for years

Low energy

Digestive problems such as acid reflux, IBS symptoms

Busy professionals who need to practical solutions that don’t overtake their life

Family history of diabetes, obesity and cardiovascular disease.

+How much time do I need to invest in the Health Plans?

The plan is designed with busy modern lifestyles in mind. Having said this, cooking fresh meals will take longer than a microwave or oven meal but once you start to appreciate how much tastier this food is and how much better you feel, you will feel it is time worth investing. We always offer practical tips such as using pre-cut, frozen or tinned vegetable options if this is appropriate to do so.

+Can I pause the Plan if I get busy and life gets in the way?

Yes the Plan is designed for Busy People. We know that people may be thrown off course with unexpected life events, busy work schedules, illness or holidays, making it tricky or unviable to follow the plan. In these situations we help you to stay on track in the interim so that you maintain the great gains you will have achieved. In fact, it is often these challenging patches that teach you to have a flexible and focussed mindset - you can stop and start this journey without completely de-railing your health journey.